18 JAN 10
Welcome to Third Shift Bakery!
Filed Under: Site News

Chocolate Mocha Cake

Thank you for your interest in Third Shift Bakery and my first post!

Third Shift Bakery is a little project I’ve been working on for about 8 weeks now. The idea came from the many other baking blogs I often visit to get tips and recipes. As I was browsing around for some holiday baking inspiration I thought “hey, I can do this!”. If others are writing about and sharing their baking, why shouldn’t I?

It turns out that starting a blog from scratch was a little more complicated than I had imagined. I didn’t have a name, a URL, a web server, a snazzy logo, or the slightest idea how to build and publish my own website.

Needless to say over the weeks I’ve pieced all of these things together. Being the engineer that I am it was much more fun to do it myself than to join a blogging site or load up a Wordpress theme.

That said, I am new to all of this and I’m sure there are some quirks in my site. Please do me the favor of having a look around and letting me know if anything looks out of place. I don’t have access to very many web browsers for testing and they all act a little different.

While you’re at it please click my “Add This” button on the home page and add my site to your Facebook or other favorites. If you’re really interested you can sign up for the Third Shift Bakery RSS feed as well.

Thank you for your help in getting the word (and my baking) out there!



Baking Nights and Weekends
In The